Contact us - MEDGATE

Contact us

Do you need fast and safe shipments?
Contact us, together we can reach the whole world!

Medgate is ready to offer promptly solutions to any transport need.
Contact us or come to visit us to see personally how we work.


Our offices

MedGate is active in two locations: our headquarter is located in Brescia, while in Turin there is a second commercial office that allows us to offer our services more quickly and effectively.


Trav. XVIII, 10 Villaggio Sereno
Tel +39 (0)30 2106858
Fax +39 (0)30 3534123



Via Sansovino, 217piano 5°
Tel +39 (0)11 2740146
Fax +39 (0)11 2741343
WhatsApp +393319675786


P.IVA IT02304860980
Cap. Soc. € 20.000,00 i.v.

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